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Category: Microsoft 365

Greenhouse IoT Project – an app in Teams

Greenhouse IoT Project – an app in Teams

Looking for a use-case for IoT, or maybe Apps in Teams? Or both? Me too! About three years ago I made a little greenhouse in my garden. And for a long time I have wanted to have controll over temperatures inside, so I’ve finally made myself this little Greenhouse IoT project to tacle: Inside of this greenhouse there are a lot of things growing, including Tomatoes, cucumbers and some herbs: The purpose of a greenhouse is to have a steady…

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Shared channels in Teams – How can you set it up?

Shared channels in Teams – How can you set it up?

Since the dawn of Teams we have had individual Teams, and we have had channels. Some years ago, private channels arrived letting us create channels in Teams that could be seen only for those team members that had been given specific access to it. The drawback here was it could only be visible to existing member members and therefore somewhat limiting it’s use. That meant if you had to share the private channel with a member outside of that team,…

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Enabling and using Windows LAPS

Enabling and using Windows LAPS

Windows LAPS just recently released to Public Preview. No no, not the old one (legacy Microsoft LAPS: The NEW LAPS. LAPS is an acronym for Local Administrator Password Solution. On Windows-machines there is by default this almighty admin-account that gives you local administrative access to that computer. This can be used in case of emergency where other means of authentication isn’t available, e.g. lost contact with domain controller. But it can also be used for malicious purposes. There are…

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List Teams with users from specific domains

List Teams with users from specific domains

You have probably been in this situation where you need to migrate a sub-set of users from one tenant to another. This typically happens when a company for a reason splits out and only some users will be migrated. How are you going to get a list of the Teams they are a member of so you can begin migrate the correct data? Fear not! I’ve recently been in this situation where the users already had a specific domain as…

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How to brand your tenant with the new Azure AD branding experience

How to brand your tenant with the new Azure AD branding experience

This december Microsoft released a new branding experience for the Azure AD login pages. It now features a lot more tools and options for customization with headers, footers and editable CSS! So now you can do more with how the log-in feels and looks like. Not only will it look good, it will also be a more welcoming feel for when your users are logging in. It will generate a more consistent experience. A quick note before we get started:…

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Creating a library for Office templates in SharePoint

Creating a library for Office templates in SharePoint

Are you moving all your file shares to SharePoint and scratching your head for what to do with all your companys Office templates? Look no further, I’ve got you covered! Not only will I explain how it all works but also provide you with some PowerShell-lines to create a document library where you can store your templates. How it all works in Office 365 Microsoft has provided a native solution for customers going full cloud and needing a centralized store…

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Delete specific files in SharePoint

Delete specific files in SharePoint

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to delete files of a certain type, or file names containing some key words? Well, I have recently. After a – in general – successfull migration from on-prem file server to SharePoint we noticed that we also copied over a bunch of temporary files (*.tmp) and files beginning with the characters ~$. This is temporary files and garbage from Word and Excel that’s been accumulated over the years and not…

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Fått rare kalenderinvitasjoner i det siste?

Fått rare kalenderinvitasjoner i det siste?

Pust rolig og la oss forklare litt. Du har ikke blitt hacket og dataene dine er trygge. Kort forklart er dette en phishing-metode for å fange din oppmerksomhet på lik linje med andre vi kjenner til. Hva er Phishing? Phishing er en form for angrep, målrettet eller ei, der hensikten er å kunne lure ut informasjon eller penger. De klassiske tilfellene er falske hentemeldinger fra noen som utgir seg for å være fra Posten eller at sjefen din av en…

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How to upgrade users coexistence mode to Teams Only using PowerShell

How to upgrade users coexistence mode to Teams Only using PowerShell

Today I dscovered that not every user in our tenant had coexistence mode set to Teams Only, despite the Org-wide setting said so. Bah! the users own setting overrides the Org-wide. Great, just another thing to remember… We are a buch of users. And being lazy when I can, I need to brush of my skills in… PowerShell! Time to dust off some old PS-skills and get cracking. Okay… not skills per say, but I manage to fiddle my way…

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Hvordan oppgradere brukere til Teams med PowerShell

Hvordan oppgradere brukere til Teams med PowerShell

Oppdaget her i dag at noen av våre brukere ikke hadde “Modus for sameksistens” satt til det den globale innstillingen var satt til. Enda en ting å huske på altså! Jeg vil gjerne ha alle over på “Kun Teams” og brukerens innstilling her overstyrer den globale innstillingen. Denne endrer seg ikke om man bytter sentralt. OK! Vi er en god drøss med brukere og jeg ønsker ikke gjøre alt manuelt når jeg kan slippe. Så da må man bruke… PowerShell!…

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